
Athletes can provide meaningful anonymous feedback, an honest evaluation of your relationship with your athletes, your overall performance, and more.  As a coach the coach-athlete relationship is the most important relationship in the athletic arena. Clear and consistent communication is key to this relationship, which is why evaluation by your athlete evaluation is critical. Coaches are in an important position where they are not only able to provide feedback, but to also create a plan for the athlete to take action based on their feedback to improve and grow. Do you give athletes constructive criticism to build on skills, technique and game tactics.  Ask your athletes to download the Coach RYCH app in the App Store or Google Play Store and rate you so you will know exactly where you stand with your athletes.

5-star coaches know that they must continue to develop professionally to be the best.  As a coach, it’s critical to have great leadership skills to inspire and motivate your players to excellence. There’s no time like the present to use Coach RYCH to identify the professional development program that can take your coaching philosophy to the next level.

As part of this program, we ask you to update your Coach RYCH's profile by providing the requested information.  Your profile will help your athletes and find you to provide the ratings that helps you to become a five-star coach.  In addition, for those athletes seeking a 5-star coach, this will make it easier for them to find you. Coach RYCH also provides coaching leadership training which includes: seminars, webinars, conferences, trade shows, on-line courses, and more.  To update your profile, just click on the Coach's Corner on the above menu bar and choose Register/Login.
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Mental Strength
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Skills Trainers

Wide Receiver

Running Back

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